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Quantum Entanglement 

Quantum Entanglement is one of the most unusual features of quantum physics. It occurs when two particles remain connected, even over large distances, in such a way that any actions performed on one particle has an effect on the other. For instance, one particle might be spun in a clockwise direction - the result on the second particle would be an equal spin. They interact in ways that the state of each particle cannot be described independently of the other and it must be described as a whole. Albert Einstein, renowned theoretical Physicist, called it 'spooky action at a distance'. Many modern Quantum Physicists now believe that, while this describes the action reasonably well, distance is not entirely accurate; more that this effect is beyond our perceptions of distance, time and space.


What is Quantum Entanglement Healing?


Quantum Entanglement Healing also supports the entanglement theory between life forces, that essentially everything is connected; we are all connected to each other and that nothing exists on its own. This is something that indigenous peoples, with their knowledge of healing practices gained over centuries and passed down through generations, have known for a long time. It is also the basis for many in the spiritual community, that we all originate from the same divine source of energy.


Quantum Entanglement Healing is based on the theory that when a practitioner initiates the session, the frequency of the energy field of the practitioner becomes intentionally aligned to a higher frequency of vibration and can initiate changes in the energy field and meridians of the recipient. Meridians are more commonly known in acupressure and Reflexology, lines of energy that run throughout our bodies and our electromagnetic energy layers. The existence of meridian lines has now been proven by scientists. When we initiate a change in vibrational energy, we move from a low frequency vibration (such as stress, grief, sadness) to a higher frequency vibration (love, joy, contentment).


A Gift From The Angelic Realm


Quantum Entanglement Healing methods can be considered as a gift from the Angelic Realm and I have found that when conducting Quantum Entanglement Healing sessions this has a deep truth. In my professional and personal experience, Angels are masters of sacred geometry, the vibration and frequency of geometric shapes that initiate a change in our own vibrational energy. Often when I connect to the angelic realm where there are various divine messengers, they are often very individual to the client and their own specific needs, providing support, light and healing. These spiritual guides have no specific dogma or religious affiliation, which is what we tend to think in the Western world - these ethereal energies have went by many names in many different cultures. They are incredibly powerful, awe inspiring spiritual presences with infinite compassion and grace and a deep understanding of intuition, helping us to develop our own. They are communicators who understand the challenges we face as spiritual beings having a human experience.


Ancestral Healing


We have both energetic and genetic connections with our ancestors, those who have went before us. In spirituality practices, this is considered an ancestral line and can often affect our current lifetime. Quantum Entanglement Healing can help us address and support energetic disentanglement from multi generational trauma.

Medical researchers have discovered that trauma experienced first hand by previous generations not only affects the physical, mental and emotional ability for those who have experienced it to create a nurturing and supportive environment for their children but scientists consider that these traumatic experiences have affected the DNA of the person who experienced it first hand, effectively passing the energetic memories of the trauma to subsequent generations. I attended a conference in Glasgow some time ago in which Sir Harry Burns, Professor of Public Health at the University of Strathclyde and the Chief Medical Officer for the Scottish Government from 2005 - 2014, spoke of this and believes this to be a major contributing factor in Scotland's mortality rates. 


Karmic Healing


From a spiritual point of view, we often carry energetic 'memories' or patterns of behaviour, from our deeds or actions in our lifetime and this can restrict our moving forward. Quantum Entanglement Healing can be used to release these energy patterns, allowing us to consider the future in a more positive light and encouraging new ways of being.




There can often be an element of entanglement that may not be so beneficial to us. Radiation and electromagnetic energy from mobile phones and masts, hand held devices, computers, VDUs and Wi-Fi can often have a detrimental effect on our own energy layers. Quantum Entanglement can help change release or transmute these energies.


Sometimes we also become entangled in others lives to the detriment of our own and it can be difficult to remove ourselves - this is often because we are energetically entangled too. Quantum Entanglement Healing can help us to release ourselves so that we can empathise with others whilst maintaining our own energy levels.


Book An Appointment

Aligning to a higher frequency of vibration to initiate positive change in the auric fields and meridians for energetic release and light healing.
Quantum Entanglement Healing
1 hr 30 min
We create a beautiful, light filled sacred space to call upon the powerful, awe inspiring spiritual presences of the Angelic realm for empathetic and compassionate suppor...
ArchAngel Healing | 1.5hr
1 hr 30 min
Sacred space for ancestral energetic and spiritual healing, helping to address and support energetic disentanglement and healing from multi generational trauma.
Ancestral Healing | First Ceremony | 2hr
2 hr
A Shamanic Healing Ceremony to release energetic 'memories' or patterns of behaviour, deeds or actions in our lifetime, allowing you to look to the future in a more posit...
Karmic Healing | First Ceremony | 2hr
2 hr
Energetically disentangle, release and transmute whilst maintaining your own energy levels, personal boundaries and healthy auric space.
Disentanglement Healing
1 hr 30 min
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