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You and 2022: Numerology, Angels & Predictions

Writer's picture: Andrea, FlourishAndrea, Flourish

As we enter a new calendar year - I say calendar year as Nature has her own calendar which does not adhere to any man-made concept of dates and months - I explore the symbolic, energetic, vibrational and spiritual aspects of what the numbers 2022 may mean for you​, ​the collective consciousness​ and the year ahead​.

The number 2

The number 2 sings with the vibration and energy of balance, of give and take, of a shared goal or objective. If we consider that 1+1=2, here we have two individual energies coming together to create one combined singular energy which is different from them both, and that is 2. While 2 is an individual energy in its own right, it is the combined energy of two other, different energies. In my own interpretation, I see this more of a symbiosis, with two aspects finding a mutually beneficial relationship. 2 is the number of partnerships and relationships, both with ourselves and each other.

A balanced relationship can only exist with the awareness and accommodation of the needs of 'the other' - whether that is another person, an 'other' aspect of ourselves, the needs of the dark balanced with the needs of the light or the needs of ourselves (1) living in balance with the needs of others (1) to be the collective (2) that we are an integral part of. Like the Yin Yang, it is a coming together of two aspects which have a part of themselves in the other. Just as we as individuals are part of a collective, the collective is a part of us. Even though they may appear to be separate from each other, they are not opposing forces but rather are complementary to one another. This shared existence means that two forces can exist as one combined force with a very different energy - not only a combination of powers, but also a very different power together. This means that this combined energetic force also requires its own needs to be acknowledged and accommodated, as well as those of the individual energies.

The High Priestess. This beautiful hand carving is by All Natural Arts.

In Tarot, the card marked as 2 in the Major Arcana (which is actually the third card but we'll get to that below) is The High Priestess. She goes by different names in various decks but I'll call her this for now as this is the most common name she goes by. The High Priestess is familiar with the worlds of emotion and of intuition, but also the world of Spirit. She meditates within her own world, communicating insights and ideas out into the physical world. She is adept at balancing emotion, intellect and willpower - she is all about creation, balance, love and soul expression. 2022 is the time to focus your power and manifest your soul's longings. These are very different to desires, and we must know the difference, which I explain a little further down.

In the past 2 years, balance in emotion and intellect has been lost as well as many other things. We have forgotten that we as individuals affect the collective and vice versa. We can only contribute what we have within us to a partnership, a symbiosis, so when our own internal landscape is not balanced, this is what we bring and it affects the whole - the more unbalanced our contribution, the more the collective becomes unbalanced. And the more unbalanced the collective, the more unbalanced we become. It's a cyclical process, which brings me to 0.

The number 0 Zero (0) is not considered a number per se. This is because 0 is actually both everything and nothing. How can this be? How can zero be everything? Well, if we look at 0 and what we ascribe it be in the physical world we consider it, on its own, as nothing, zilch, zero. Nothing is there, nothing exists there. But added to other numbers it tells us the nature of other numbers and it also provides a magnification of that number - for example, we only know that there are ten individual (1) things, when there is a 0 written beside a 1 (10), magnifying the power of the individual thing (1). You could argue, which I do in my own interpretation below, that 0 is The Divine Spirit. So 0 is very much not nothing. With 0 there is no beginning and no end (as in the shape of the zero symbol), as it is cyclical - just as the seasons, our lives, everything. It's the place of nothing and everything. It's the starting point for everything and the end point of everything. In Tarot, the first card of the Major Arcana is The Fool, who is the 'launch pad' for the rest of the Major Arcana. But he does not have a number, he is considered point zero even though he is the first card of the Arcana. He lets go of fear to embark on his journey, he is Wise Fool. This gives him the opportunity to know everything, and that is the wisdom of the Divine. 0 is both the beginning and the end of a cycle.

Two fat Ladies, 22! Well one really, the Venus Of Willendorf, a 30,000 year old statue. Image Wikipedia Commons.

The number 22 Two 2s together is what we would consider in numerology as a Master number. Master numbers offer us the opportunity to create, to build. With the doubled vibration of 2, this Master number offers us the opportunity to become our own spiritual architects - planning, designing, developing, creating and building balanced, co-operative, harmonious relationships with ourselves, each other and the world around us. Just like the energy of The High Priestess. The vibrational realms, including the Angelic realm, are signposting this opportunity strongly. Those of you who may be familiar with me and my work know that over 20 years ago I had a career spanning 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry in Analytical Chemistry. This field requires physical proof of everything and, not only that, it requires that the testing to gain this proof can be successfully replicated over and over again with the same results. If the concept of Doubting Thomas was an industry, it's this one. The pharmaceutical industry has no obvious interest in the spiritual, in fact it's very existence depends upon its outward denial of it. Interestingly however, inwardly it is deeply enmeshed with esoteric knowledge but we'll save that for another day. I spent years pushing aside my purpose and core existence, at huge detriment to my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing. I continued on the road I knew was not right for me and I could not build what I needed because when you're on the wrong path, you stagnate. As with many things, common phrases hold so much truth - 'stuck in a rut'. When this happens your first priority should be to be aware that this is exactly where you are and then begin to find ways to haul yourself out of it. You cannot build anything with a solid foundation in a rut. If you are stuck in a rut, you've already cracked the first part in successfully getting out - awareness of your situation. If you are on the wrong path, there is no turning back - all you can do is wait for an exit. The good news is that with acknowledging you are on the wrong path, you are sending a communication that you know you need to take another turn. We are at a point of collective stagnancy, and we are being given the opportunity to move out of it ​and onto a new path, ​with the support and love of the spiritual and vibrational realms. Why wait for someone else to give you direction when you are the master of your own life? We truly are masters of our own destinies. If you have been asking for guidance, and feel you have not received it, perhaps the messages have come in a form that you are dismissing because it is not in the form you want. Little miracles do not usually announce themselves with an elaborate opening song, dance chorus or lavish displays of fireworks. They are in the difficult times. The Divine, whatever this is for you, also needs your participation. The Divine is not a genie ready to fulfil our wishes with one rub of a lamp. The Divine is not our servant. We need to work in partnership with Spirit, and so here we return to relationships, partnerships and balance. We are our own Fool and High Priestess, and it is our responsibility to take the first steps into the unknown, with trust in ourselves and faith in guidance from a higher power, so that we may not only imagine our lives but be able to build them too.

The number 222

Triple numbers are communications from other realms, specifically the Angelic realm. What Angels are and what they are not is a separate post altogether as we all have different concepts of what Angels are but they do exist, whatever form they may come to us.

Angels are incredibly powerful energies and, in my own personal and professional work with them, they are masters of vibration. There are many ways the Angelic realm communicates with us but for us to be encouraged to begin a conversation with them, it is often through numbers that they attempt to get our attention because - and this is my feeling only - we are curious beings who love mystery so when we repeatedly see repeated numbers, it peaks our interest - we love 'coincidences' and the Angels know this. No matter how far we may think we have wandered from our spiritual nature, we always have a fascination for magic and that's because it's a part of who we are, a calling to home. Numbers are language for the Angels, a gateway to an important conversation. The first time I worked with the Angelic realm, it was very much by 'accident', and by that I mean ​it was ​not with any design on my part. I was visited by Raphael and I will never forget that experience. The woman who was with me at the time described everything I myself had experienced and seen. I had opened my heart to the healing of this woman, and Raphael answered my call from the heart. My working experience in the sciences had provided me with the ability to think critically, to question, to explore, to consider and this is very important for us all. This woman and I had a shared experience - does this make it real? If we were to test this and the outcome would not happen again - which it would not - science would say it wasn't real. But just because you cannot see something does not mean it does not exist and, at the same time, just because you can see something does not mean that it actually exist​s as a physical form​ either. As strange as this may sound, this is actually one of the important messages for 2022. Do not believe everything you see. I touched upon this when I scribed my post Just Hang, Man ​in May ​and now it is becoming clearer what these messages mean. It is prudent to be discerning in your beliefs and experiences. Question them, explore them, revisit them, do not blindly follow. Check in with yourself. Do I still feel this way? Is this truthful? Does it make sense to my heart? And this includes what you are reading here. I am presenting messages and information but this does not mean it should be blindly followed either. Part of my role as a healer and seer is to present scribed messages to you - in consultations, this is done by oration and here in my blog posts, it is in writing; it is part of my own healing approach - but I am only the messenger presenting them to you. Whether you choose to receive it, ridicule it, discard it or explore it, is entirely your choice. Use your free will and your discernment. This is also an important message for 2022. What you will be presented with this coming year will not always be what is seems. The warnings of the Trojan Horses that I shared with you in May are becoming more apparent and pressing. We need to make strides towards gaining a greater awareness of ourselves so that we understand both how we can be influenced and the methods used to influence us. I would recommend reading my blog post Just Hang Man, as well as The Art Of Emergence, where I outline the psychological effects of what we have experienced - I look at this now, 9 months after it was written, and it is even more important now to be aware of its messages. I urge you to read it, if even for my piece on the devastating biological effects of a lack of touch and how we have been denied one of the best ways of healing each other. The Donkey and The Carrot was written in July and outlined the next stage of the psychological abuse, which is being heavily employed now.

2022 When numbers are repeated, it increases their energy and power, so when we look at 2022 and its three 2s, the power of 2 is magnified. Not only that, the presence of 0 among these 2s, amplifies their energies too. Think of the shape of 0 as a large magnifying glass that makes the 2s much, much bigger. As 2022 is the year of restoring balance and increasing awareness, of symbiosis, partnership and of harmony​, ​this also means consideration, adaptability, receptivity and working together. Ofcourse these things can only happen when approached with love and respect, but they also take an awareness of the ego, of ourselves and how these impact the actions we take. Are your actions from a place of ego, of hurt, of fear or are they from a place of love and respect? What do you want to build? And what do you want to build it out of? 2​0​22 vibrates with the energy of manifestation​ guided by the Divine​. Manifestation is a word that is often used in 'holistic' circles but what does it actually mean? I'll use WytchWood, my medicine garden at my practice as an example. First, I need to have an idea of what I need​, what my soul's longing is​ ​and to know this I need to put aside my ego. My soul longs for a garden of​ herbs, medicine, vegetables and fruit​s as I feel this is part of my purpose​. I don't necessarily need to know how I know this, but I do. How do I know this is not fuelled by something other than my soul? I check in with my heart. What are the reasons I need to create this garden? This question alone almost answers itself. Need. It's a longing. Sometimes we don't know the reasons at the time, we just feel a need for it. This is different from desires or wants, as these are often from a place of ego.

​Then I look at the lay of the land and explore thoughts and feelings of what I am able to do on this land​, and I begin the first steps of the creation process - ​a longing becomes ​an abstract idea ​which ​begins to manifest into the physical realm through a process of drawings before it can be built as an actuality. Manifestation starts with feeling, what you feel you need to fulfil a part of you - this is listening to your soul. The energy created from the heart centre is incredibly powerful and this energy sings out into the worlds. We need to draw this down into the physical world and hold it, shape it, expand it,​ grow it so that it​ can flourish​. Every day gives us the opportunity to do this but being surrounded by the number 2022 offers us the vibrational energy to help make this a reality.

The number 6 In numerology, individual numbers, repeated numbers and the sum of numbers all have significance. 2+0+2+2= 6. And here we find the purpose of our building, our planning, our objective. 6 is also a number of balance and harmony, but it is focused on nurturing, growth, service to ourselves and others with dignity and grace. It encourages putting down foundations based on humanitarianism and honesty. It encourages compromise but also a fair and honest firmness in our actions, words and relationships with others - this is integrity.

The energy of 6 is also encouraging us to find a way around problems so that we can achieve stability. Taking responsibility for ourselves, our own words and actions, we build our own world of integrity, sending out into the ether our honourable intentions and inviting in the same. 6 reinforces the messages of the 2s, showing us what a culmination of loving intent can do. If we have managed to do this in our planning and building with the energy of 2, we reach the success of 6. Six-cess!

A little precautionary prediction...

You may have become familiar with a certain phrase that has been used by the majority of the political leaders in the West the past 12 months, about building, and building back, and building better. I have not written the phrase in the way it has been stated by those in power because it has its own energy as a complete phrase and it is intended to be programmed, similar to hypnosis. If you are familiar with the phrase, it has begun to do exactly what it is intended to do, become a mantra and create an energy. It was repeated over and over last year and this is what repetition does, as we see with what I've described in numerology and repeated numbers; repetition magnifies and amplifies energy of the thing that is repeated be it words, phrases, numbers or actions. Those in power are certainly aware of the power of energy, numbers, actions, vibration and manifesting. For folks that outwardly poo-poo, ridicule or demean alternative methods of living or expression, including energy, magic, Angels and the Divine, they sure do know how to use these mystical teachings. Make no mistake, they have their own rituals and ceremonies, and we often have no idea that this is what they are, or that we are an unknowing participant in them. If you think you know when you would be participating in a ritual, then here is a simple example of how easy it is not to know. Ever wondered why you have to cross arms in a circle for Auld Lang Syne on Hogmanay? It always seemed so awkward to me when you can just hold the hands of the people beside you and everyone's arms are comfortable! Dr Morag Grant, a Musicologist, recently discovered in the archives of Glasgow's Mitchell Library that this was a ritual for fraternal organisations, a 'circle of unity' for a 'chain of union'. We unknowingly participate in rituals every day and many that have power are not only encouraged but involve peer pressure to take part. Ever tried saying, 'No thank you, I'll sit this one out' to an Auld Lang Syne circle at a Hogmanay party? Me neither, but I wouldn't imagine it goes down too well. Thankfully, the last Hogmanay party I attended was in 2000. As I'm finishing writing this at 11.30pm on 31st December, I think you can tell I'm not one for New Year. Now more than ever we need to create balance, harmony, partnerships and spiritual connection. In 2 years, there has been a careful incubation of a culture of fear, division, hatred and a deliberate disconnect from Spirit. As spiritual beings it is difficult to find a life of fulfilment without a connection to purpose and something bigger than ourselves. And so with a cleaving and severing from each other (spirit) and a disconnect from a higher power (Spirit) we find ourselves in a spiritual desert, and we are thirsty. What this means is that there is a gap, and there is a perception of lack. Lack is often created by those who would benefit from miraculously providing the thing that fills the lack they created. I say perceived lack because there is no lack in spiritual connection - it is within you. It is in the trees, the mountains, the birds. It is in the air, the water, the Earth.

Many things will be presented to us in the coming months that are not what they seem. They may be presented to appear to come from a Higher Power or to be speaking on behalf of the Earth. They may promise us water, food, salvation, health, wealth, love, security and jobs. They may come under the guise of 'saving the Earth'. They may promise a life without fear, poverty, pain or sorrow. They may profess to offer freedoms like joy, connection, love and the freedom of movement. These cannot be given as they are our birthright - they can only be taken from us and, with a sleight of hand, appear that they are being gifted to us.

There will be many well considered tricks in the coming year but remember, they are only just tricks and there is a big difference between illusion and magic. The illusionists are also present in every institution and not only in entertainment, but they have much in common. The 'magicians' of entertainment are ill-named - it is not magic they practice, it is theatre and sometimes we get swept up in the drama, believing it to be real, suspending our disbelief for a time. We will be presented with things that are intended to blur the lines between fantasy and reality, encouraging us to live the fantasy with the promise of being free from threats of any kind. These will attempt to remove us from ourselves, each other, our spiritual nature, our humanity and our loving Earth.

Know Thyself

Focus on harmony, relationships, re-connection, spiritual development and the creations of love. Manifest the longings of your soul. Build your loving world and reach out to others building theirs. This way lies community through shared objectives, something we need to rebuild. This doesn't mean we should only reach out to people who share our own purpose, far from it. There are loving architects and spiritual builders in all walks of life, in all vocations, of all ages, in all countries.

Your heart and intuition know truth and what may prick your fears, deceive your eyes or seduce your ego has no sway with the heart. Know your heart and your mind. Think critically, feel intuitively.

Channelled, scribed & interpreted by A Doran, guardian of the words © 2021 Flourish and Contributors.



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