Beltane is one of the Days Of Power celebrated throughout Gaelic cultures, especially Irish and Scots, and which we now call May Day. It arrives around April 30th/1st May, halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. I say ‘around’ these dates as Days of Power do not adhere to our manmade calendar – they go with their own natural, powerful cycles. Be guided by your intuition for when you feel Beltane is arriving around this time – you may feel the atmosphere to be different, energetically charged, and this energy can change at different points during Beltane so if you are planning on celebrating, go with the times that feel right to you.
Sun and Moon Energies
Beltane is one of the Four Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year in pagan tradition, and sabbats are marked by their dedication to solar energy. Celebrations traditionally took place at dawn or noon, marking the point in the Sun’s yearly cycle. The Sun is indicative of the masculine God energy and the Moon, the feminine Goddess aspect. While we might feel that these celebrations are not conventionally recognised in modern times, dancing around the maypole on May Day is still done today and this is a celebration of the Sun energy. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, this is a celebration of the phallic, masculine aspect from what we might today consider to be mythology but as human beings we are also creations of the universe – the Sun, the Moon and the Stars – and it is still a strong part of us.
Seeds of Creation
By scattering and surrounding the maypole Sun energy with flowers and herbs, we are also recognising the feminine aspect, the Moon energy. The intertwining and joining together of two energies to create a third is what Beltane can bring to us, so this is a good time for energetically manifesting the beginnings of a new life force, created from the male and female energies, to release a newly created form.
This makes Beltane a beneficial time for conception as it embraces passion, vitality and the manifestation of our intentions and hopes. This is not in the traditional fertility and physical sense of conceiving, but also embracing the Sun and Moon energies within us to create something new and wonderful for ourselves.
Wishing you an abundance of glorious creativity!
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Copyright © Andrea Doran, Flourish and Contributors - Original Date of Publication May 2018 | For personal use and information only