I don't usually share Moon readings or messages but feel this energy has been brewing for over a week now so anchor in! The Full Moon in May rises this coming Sunday to Monday but has been quietly influencing. It's charged with a lot of useful energy for making changes that have the potential to last, but it might turn out to be a little more fickle than we're expecting. While this energy is specific to this current Full Moon in May 2022, these are teachings that we can gain throughout our lives.
I'm picking up 'interference'. I'm going to try and describe this as best I can by relating it to something 'earthly', and that's to compare it to someone who goads you or dares you to do something. You're not quite sure how it's going to work out but you're going to try it just to show them you can do it, even though it might not be something you would ever have thought to do yourself, just to 'prove them wrong'. If it goes well, they'll give the impression they knew all along that it would work out fine. If it goes badly there's 'well, I told you so' and they wash their hands of their involvement. Either way they didn't know how it was going to work out either, even if they gave you the impression they did. There's an element of vicarious living in this; this seemingly confident goader is a little afraid to take their own risks and is perhaps living them through you.
This has been building with this Moon energy, willing you to take risks, living vicariously through you - you are the physical manifestation of energy in this world. You can move through this world, enacting change and creating, but the Moon stays where it is, only able to work its magic through us. Balance risk. There's more to this than meets the eye; this energy isn't necessarily 'encouragement' for you to take risks, it's almost a dare! Stay grounded and focused, and don't get blown off course trying to prove something that doesn't feel right.
While I've compared this energy to a person, this isn't necessarily about a specific person in your life. It's more about you, looking inward at how you approach risk and the motivating factors behind your choices. What motivates you to do something new, to explore different experiences and opportunities? Is it an energy within you - a curiosity or a desire for learning and self knowledge - or are you propelled by outside influences, fuelled by competitiveness, comparing yourself with others or trying to prove them wrong?
As with all challenges and difficulties, we have the opportunity to grow. Perhaps you are risk averse; if so, this Full Moon can offer the chance to look at why. We all need to take risks in our lives, they can help us learn more about ourselves and bring opportunities we never knew were there. Do risks make you feel fearful to the point where you choose not to take any at all? Is this causing stagnancy in your life? Perhaps you take too many risks; this is a chance to look at why you take those risks. Do you give them time, feeling and thought? Do you 'weigh them up', listening to both intuition and rationality?
You may also find yourself with a 'one step forward, two steps back' feeling. This Moon is a testing one but please don't get dispirited; you're going two steps back because there's a couple of other things you've forgotten to drag out from the shadows. And where you're going, the next steps on your path, you can't take them with you.
Guardian of the words and Copyright A Doran and Flourish
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