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Writer's pictureAndrea, Flourish

Full Moon Ceremony

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Moon Phases
Celebration of The Moon Goddess

The Full Moon is a powerful time to perform any ceremonial works or rituals and is magnified during Days Of Power like Imbolc, Beltane, Equinoxes, Samhain and times of Eclipses and SuperMoons

Enter your ceremony with the intention of gently acknowledging your shadow aspects and fears, releasing them and welcoming in the light of change, and ask for guidance in stepping forward. You will need: - A quiet space where you will be undisturbed - A comfy chair or cushion on the floor - A small piece of material, ideally white (a square scarf or even pillow case will do) - A candle (red is good but any colour is fine) - Matches - Pen and paper - A heatproof dish - Charcoal block (optional) - A small glass of water - Dried herbs of cedar or sage (or whatever you have to hand or in the kitchen!) - Floral water or Lavender essential oil (or choose an oil that you are drawn to and are not sensitive to) - Personal objects you feel strongly connected with (such as crystals, jewellery, etc) Open a window and spread the material on the floor or on a small table and place the candle in the centre. Place your personal objects on the material, surrounding the candle, the heatproof dish in front of the candle, the herbs to the left of candle, the glass of water and floral water on the right. Light the candle with the intention of inviting both your own divinity and the divine creative Goddess energy of the Moon. Light the candle with the intention of creating your sacred space. Take a drop or two of floral water or one drop of essential oil and rub between your palms, inhale deeply and run your hands down your body from the top of your head to your feet, with the intention of enveloping yourself in its protective energy. Sit quietly for a moment or two and connect with the Earth, visualising roots growing from your root chakra, deep into the ground. Connect with the Moon energy by visualising yourself bathed in moonlight. Connect with your altar, which is what you have created above. If you are using a charcoal block, light the charcoal and place in the heatproof dish (please make sure you use a dish that can withstand the heat of the block). Connect with your heart energy and on a small square of paper begin to write all the fears or aspects that you feel are preventing you from moving forward that you wish to release, projecting them onto the paper. If you are using a charcoal block, place a small pinch of the herb in the centre of the paper, fold it into a little parcel and place it on the charcoal with the intention that, as it burns, all fears or limitations are released with the smoke. If you are not using charcoal, light a corner of the small square of paper, place it in the heatproof dish and add a pinch of herb to the burning paper, with the intention of the smoke releasing all limiting fears or thoughts. (Please be careful and respectful with open flames and any flammable materials, using sensible cautions and safety precautions.) Sit for a moment or two and feel these releasing, being lifted from you. Next ask the energy of the Moon to fill the glass of water with light and love, giving you the courage to take your next steps forward that serve your highest good. Drink the water with the intention of filling your being with light, love, kindness and compassion. Sit for a moment or two and, when you are ready, thank the Earth, the Moon, and the Divine energy of the Universe, asking that you are protected. Extinguish the candle by licking your thumb and forefinger and putting it out this way. The ashes of your paper can be scattered onto the Earth. Moon blessings to you all!

May you find the compassion and courage to step into your own divine light. Andrea Find out more about my approach to my work and my ethos here. Book An Initial Consultation Homepage Image and text Copyright © Andrea Doran, Flourish and Contributors - Original Date of Publication July 2018, updated regularly | For personal use and information only - please see terms and conditions

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