In my practice I feel incredibly privileged to be a part of the healing journey for my clients and and I feel this regularly in my practice. But there was one specific occasion recently where I felt this so deeply and I wanted to share this with you.
I watched a beaming client physically skip out of my treatment room with such joy that I was fit to burst with the sheer happiness that I felt for her, for everything she had achieved. And I don't mind telling you that, in my quiet time alone after appointments, I shed a few tears of elation for her - my work come from a place of love, trust and deep connection and so naturally it touches my own heart too.
When Rose* first came to me, she was in a dark place of confusion; a place of lost hope, fear and anxiety, of yearning and struggling to find herself again after experiencing deeply traumatic events where her own autonomy and power was actively stolen from her. She was searching for the woman she desperately hoped, and intuitively knew, was still there deep inside of her, despite it all.
Over the course of a few weeks, we worked together to return to her what was rightly hers; her power, her joy, her confidence and a deep love and appreciation for herself. She placed her trust in me, and I placed mine in her, and she faithfully did the work I recommended between our appointments.
And a couple of weeks ago, I watched Rose, a woman whole, a woman transformed, a woman returned, dance back into her life.
*Rose is a pseudonym to maintain client confidentiality. Rose wanted to share her journey and, with her permission I have posted her story, in her own words, here.
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Copyright © Andrea Doran, Flourish and Contributors - Original Date of Publication April 2019 | For personal use and information only