I love getting post. Ofcourse, most of it is bills, official bumph or junk mail of one kind or another but nevertheless, I still get excited when I hear something drop through the letterbox. Especially if that something has a handwritten envelope, and that's what I found on my mat today.
What was inside was the best kind of gift. It was a card from one of my clients, Stephanie*. It had beautiful photos of her new baby and inside was a personal message, announcing the name of her baby who arrived a few weeks ago.
Birth Preparation

Stephanie got in touch with me in the run up to the last trimester of her pregnancy and began attending Maternity Reflexology and my Birth Preparation Plan, which is a holistic approach to gently prepare for labour in the weeks leading up to delivery. Due to her previous difficult experiences in conceiving and some minor health complications, medical professionals were keen to induce her should she go even slightly past her due date, and so they arranged for an appointment on a Monday, the third day after her due date, which was on the Friday.
Stephanie wanted to avoid being induced but we had quite a narrow window to encourage labour before the induction date and it was imperative I got the timing right. I recommended she come for my Due Date Reflexology session on the Thursday afternoon, the day before her due date and 3 days before her inducing date.
Due Date and Overdue

My Due Date sessions are for women who are overdue and keen to avoid inducing and they are intended to stimulate the body's contraction response. It can be difficult to know exactly when contractions will begin - results are different for each woman because ofcourse we're all different and our bodies respond in individual ways. In my experience, contraction can happen around 2-3 days after your Due Date session (please understand, this is not a guarantee!). For Stephanie, the session successfully initiated the contraction response and she gave birth to her healthy baby 2.5 days after our session, with less than 12 hours before her appointment to be induced.
Stephanie's Maternity Reflexology sessions and her Birth Preparation Plan in the weeks leading up to delivery were an important contributing factor in her experience, allowing her body to gently prepare for when the time was right.
Welcome to the world little one!
*Stephanie is a pseudonym to protect client privacy.
Maternity Reflexology - available from the 2nd trimester onward
Birth Preparation Plan - available from the beginning of the 3rd trimester
Due Date Sessions - available from 40 weeks and 4+ days (in some circumstances, this can be arranged at 40 weeks)
Further Information
Copyright © Andrea Doran, Holistic Medicine Specialist, Flourish and Contributors | For personal use and information only - date of original post 19th July 2019