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How do I book an appointment?
Depending on the nature or reasons for seeking support, therapy and healing, a 15 or 30 minute telephone/Zoom consultation may be advised for new enquiries prior to any booking.
Appointments for both in person and remote therapy can be booked online. Some services and healing support plans may not be available to book online. Please get in touch to enquire.  
Tickets for events and workshops can be booked online, via the free Flourish app, or by getting in touch directly. Please see the individual page for each event or workshop for more details.
What is the cost?
Fees vary depending on the services requested. Appointment times and services vary and fees vary accordingly. Please see Fees for more details.
Is there anything I should do to prepare for my appointment?
It is useful to have a relaxing routine to prepare for your session. Taking a warm shower or bath, eating a light meal or snack around an hour beforehand. Wear comfortable, non restrictive clothing and, if possible, find some quiet time for yourself. Creating your own routine in preparation for your session is useful but not essential. Avoiding stimulants such as caffeine can also be beneficial and it is preferable to avoid heavy meals or strenuous exercise before, and after, your appointment. It is important to refrain from alcohol and recreational substances on the day of your appointment.
What should I expect from my first session?
When you receive booking confirmation, in the email is a link to an online declaration form to be completed prior to your in person appointment. When you arrive for your initial consultation, you will be asked to complete a short form which provides some background for your consultation. If we are working remotely, I will complete this over the phone/Zoom/Skype. I am keen to find out more about you, what a typical day is like for you and to actively listen in your sharing of your own experiences. For at least the first 20 minutes of your initial 90 minute session, we discuss what is important to you and the best course of healing for your own individual needs. During this initial visit we discuss a support plan, specifically tailored for you. After the treatment or healing, we have a post-consultation, where we discuss the assessment and outcome of the session and the best approach for you in going forward.

Please share at the time of booking, either on the notes section when booking online or by phone or email, if you have any restrictions, limitations, adaptations or special requirements. It is important that the best possible environment is created for you during your sessions. All information is private and confidential.

How long are the sessions?
The times vary depending on the service you are attending. Generally, a first visit/initial assessment is 1 hour 30 minutes and follow up sessions are either an 1 hour or 1hr 30 minutes, depending on your recommended support plan - we discuss this at your initial consultation and also during the process. This is dependent on lots of things, including the reasons or health conditions you are receiving support for, how long you have attended and how we feel you are progressing - for some clients 1 hour follow up sessions are sufficient; for others 1 hour 30 minute sessions are more appropriate.
Shamanic Healing Ceremonies are between 1.5 - 2hrs at each ceremony and a two hour appointment time is allocated for your first ceremony. 
What happens during a session?
For in person therapy, after your consultation you will be asked to remove your shoes and are invited to find a comfortable position on the therapy couch. Treatment approaches may change at each session, depending on your therapeutic needs during each appointment. For example, intuitive bodywork such as massage requires the removal of your clothing for the area(s) that we are working on but shamanic healing ceremonies only require the removal of your shoes. Your privacy and comfort is of the utmost importance and is always respected.
For remote and distance therapy sessions, the process is similar but you will be creating a comfortable, private and quiet atmosphere within your own space.
You may feel very relaxed or quite sleepy during a session, or have a sense of being asleep while having an awareness of your surroundings and this is common, especially during energy therapy. You may feel some unfamiliar but not unpleasant sensations and these are a natural part of the process. Some clients feel emotional during or after a session and this is a natural response for release. You are always fully supported throughout the session.
How will I feel afterwards?
Many clients experience positive changes after the initial visit, which is the first step of the healing process. Directly after their session, some clients feel energised, others quite tired. Sometimes you may feel energised when you leave but tired a short time afterwards, or vice versa. How you feel can vary from session to session, and can depend on the medicine, but it is very individual to you. You are encouraged to drink water and herbal teas, avoid strenuous exercise, nap if you need to and relax as much as possible following your session. I recommend giving space and time to sit with any emotions that may have arisen.
There may be other supportive and holistic remedies recommended during your sessions, and these can include plant, energetic, vibratory or shamanic medicines handcrafted by myself. I create a variety of medicines from crystals, vibration and the organic plants I sow, plant, grow and harvest in the gardens of WytchWood, my South Lanarkshire practice. These are available in the WytchWood Apothecary and are exclusive to clients.
How many sessions will I need?
This is different for everyone but my recommendation is an initial commitment to 6 sessions; the number of sessions depends on the reasons for seeking support and how you are responding to your therapy. As treatments are specifically tailored to you, you will have your own unique experiences and we review your progress as part of the process.
Specific support plans, including fertility and Women's Wellness services, have a minimum commitment of 12 sessions. For support for anxiety, trauma, CPTSD and specialist psychic and shamanic services and long term/chronic conditions, there is a minimum commitment to 4 weekly sessions in the first instance. Depending on the nature of the healing required, a longer term program may be recommended - please see individual information pages for details. 
How often will I need to come?
This varies depending on your own therapeutic needs, the healing I advise, how you are responding and what plan you are attending. Most clients feel a benefit after the first session and a considerable and positive shift after 4 - 6 sessions, depending on the reasons for attending. Once there has been a significant change and we are fully on the path of healing, the majority of clients attend regularly for maintaining balance and supporting their self awareness - they find they intuitively know when they need to return. Healing is not curing or fixing - holistic approaches are not 'quick fixes'; healing is a lifelong commitment to ourselves.
My general recommendation is weekly sessions for the first 6 treatments followed by either weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions, depending on how you are responding. Attendance for support plans is weekly for the duration of the program. 
Recommendations are based on my professional assessment of how sessions are helping you move forward but it is important that you continue to have ownership of your own treatment.
Is there anything I can do between appointments?
Absolutely, yes. This is where the healing work has the biggest impact! After each one to one session there is guidance on what you can do to support your own healing between appointments. Sessions are a two way process where you are an active participant in your own healing. No one else can heal you, only you can do that - I am the facilitator, using my therapeutic skills, claircognizance, expertise, knowledge and experience to initiate holistic changes and to guide, support and encourage you in these changes.
At each of your sessions, we discuss the best approaches and simple techniques to use between appointments to support your healing, empowering you and the process.
I'm unable to attend in person and would like distance support and healing. How does this work?
This can often be a challenging notion to understand, and no one really, truly knows. What I do know is that it works, and, for me and my clients, it is often more intensive. Please visit the About Distance Healing page for more information, where I hope my interpretation of this is helpful to you.
How do I book my place on one of your workshops/courses and where will it be held?
Each event, workshop and course has full information on its content, venue, times and how to book. Please visit the The School Of HEAL - All Events, Workshops and Courses page for links to details of each individual event. 
What if I have other questions?
There are a few ways to get in touch
  • Please feel free to get in touch with any general questions you may have, via the Contact page.
  • General enquiries can also be made through the chat function - please do leave your email details if I'm offline.
  • The Flourish App has all the website and booking information at your fingertips, including the contact information and the chat function.
If you are enquiring about the best holistic healing approaches for your own situation, 15 and 30 minute telephone and Zoom consultations are available for new enquiries and prospective clients to discuss privately and confidentially. With the nature of Flourish services and the personal detail of your enquiry, it is not possible for me to advise you without an initial phone or online consultation appointment. These provide the time, space and privacy to fully honour and respect your enquiry and any information you may share. Often it is not possible to discuss enquiries outwith these dedicated consultation appointment times.
If you are enquiring about workshops or courses, there is the opportunity to message me online using the green chat function at the bottom of each webpage and via the app
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