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WytchWood Apothecary
The Apothecary products are created from the harvest of the specifically designed and created organic herbal medicine, fruit and vegetable gardens, WytchWood Medicine & Potager and The Goddess Garden, based at my practice in the West Of Scotland. For important information on the uses of the products and terms of sale, please see below.

Organic and Shamanic
There are a variety of plants grown at WytchWood - fruits, flowers, vegetables and herbs - and they all have two very specific things in common - they are grown organically and shamanically, honouring the soil and the spirit of each plant.
There are no chemical or synthetic herbicides or pesticides used, feed is organic and the mulches used are from my own onsite compost, made from offcuts from the gardens. As little as possible is wasted, returned to the Earth.
The plants are grown in spaces that have been specifically designed, built and created by myself to maximise their energetic and spiritual potency - you can find out more about this at WytchWood Medicine Garden and The Garden Of The Goddess
Ritual and Ceremonial Blends
Ritual herb mixes are specifically formulated blends, respectfully cut and harvested and shamanically and spiritually blessed for dedicated ceremonies. The herbs in these mixes have been guided and they may change if I am guided to change them. While much of my Earth medicine work is intended to offer empowerment through plants for both the individual and small group sacred ceremonies, if there are herbs that I am directed toward being included or removed in mixes at certain times of the year, this is with the intention of putting the spirit medicine of those plants out into the world for a collective healing, shift or re-connection with an aspect of that plant. This is often temporary. I am directed by Spirit and sometimes I am not able to fulfil my own preferences of what I would like to add!
Single Source
Single source organic herbs are harvested from one individual plant variety only, honouring the power of that one specific plant. These are wonderful as smudges, for meditation and for connecting with the spirit of that plant.
There is often more than one harvest each year of some of the plant varieties at WytchWood but this is dependant on many factors including plant type or species, growth rate, flowering and harvesting times and how long they have been established - new plants are given time to bed in and develop healthy root systems before they are harvested and this may take a year or two, sometimes longer for trees.
For the plants which are harvested more than once during the year, there is often more of these in stock. For those which are new additions to the garden, or have less to harvest or shorter flowering/fruit times, stock is often limited for these each year. If those herbs are integral to your ceremonial work, I would recommend purchasing them when they are newly listed as there will be no more available until the following year, or substituting with the alternative recommendation. If an item is out of stock, there is the option to be notified by email when it is back in stock - more information below.
The Song Of The Soil
While all herbs are cut and dried the same way, the energetic and vibrational qualities of the same herb can be very different from one harvest to another, and this affects the ceremonial mixes holistically, bringing a different energy to each product. Every single plant product from WytchWood is unique - every plant is different at different times of the year, changes in season, weather, soil and from year to year.
When the tuba player in an orchestra is changed, it changes the entire feel of the orchestra. The collective sound - the music - may appear to be the same, but it isn't. If the pianist, trumpeter, violinist and percussion are changed, then every single one affects the other and they become an energetically different orchestra, even though the component parts - the instruments - are similar, the musicians have changed and each musician changes in mood and energy every day. This is a little like my plant medicine mixes! I truly get to know them and their 'moods'.
If this seems a little confusing, don't worry! There is often information in each listing describing my own feeling of each batch and harvest - while this is shamanically guided and channelled, and can be useful in knowing whether the mix or herb spiritually suits your intended purposes, do be guided by your own intuition when selecting and choose what speaks to you.
Seasonal Availability
Most herb and plant products are seasonal and so some items may not be available at certain times of the year if there has been a limited quantity at the harvest season or if the last harvest has sold out. At the current time I'm unable to offer a waiting list for products but if you would like to be notified when an out of stock item is back in stock, there is the opportunity to 'Notify when available' on that item listing - an email will be sent to you when it becomes available again. Subscribers to the Flourish newsletter often receive updates on newly listed shop items - if you would like to receive the newsletter there is a subscribe link at the bottom of each webpage.
Bespoke Requests
If you are currently not a client and would like something specifically created for you, enquiring about a bespoke remedy, ritual items, ceremonial supplies or candles, please feel free to get in touch to arrange a consultation.
Client Orders
If you are a client, at The Apothecary you can also pre-order medicines and products recommended during your private one to one healing sessions with me and they will usually be available for you to pick up at your next appointment. As they are handcrafted products which are individually tailored and made specifically for you, they may take a little longer. If any items are out of stock, you will be notified as soon as possible on receipt of your order if there is a delay. Payment can be made securely online and, for most items, payment can also be made in person at your next appointment - please check the individual item for details. If you would prefer to receive the item before your next appointment, postage can be arranged - please get in touch for details and costs.
I personally use and consume the plants I grow as food, tea and medicine as they come from my own garden. I cannot however provide my own plant products as any of these to you for sale either online or as part of my practice. I must state that they are for external ceremonial use only and not for internal or external application. My herbs are as natural and as organic as is possible to achieve anywhere, and due to this they will likely be more energetically and medicinally potent than commercial organic herbs, but unlike commercial products and herbal teas, they do not undergo a sifting and separation process and are not certified as food for internal consumption. It is only on this understanding that they are provided to you and this is part of the terms of sale.
Natural does not automatically mean safe. Many plants are toxic or poisonous when taken internally - like foxglove and hellebore - or may be irritant externally. Those ceremonial plants which are toxic will be labelled as such.
I use the term medicines throughout my practice. It is not reflective of the conventional description but it is the holistic definition of a tonic to the soul - medicine can be anything from walking in the rain or attending a wellness workshop to shamanic healing for trauma or a metaphysical elixir made with the energy of stones. It is an important distinction. With this in mind, the products available are not a replacement for medical advice and should not be considered herbal or other medications, or to treat, prevent or cure any condition. It is important for you to consult your GP or medical professional as to their suitability for you before purchase. Please see the terms page for full details.
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