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flourishing clients
These sessions have slowly been unravelling the deep rooted causes of my anxiety and finding a way to manage these. I am more self-aware and genuinely feel and act differently to certain situations.
I am sleeping so much better and find myself playing over things in my mind less. I am making more time for myself. I am learning that I don’t need to satisfy everyone else’s needs before my own.
The sessions are having such a positive impact and I’m so glad that I have found therapy that truly works for me.
Soul Retrieval is such a wonderful experience! I already feel different and I even feel very accepting of myself and significant others at the traumatic points in my life in a way I have not done so before! I have never felt so happy and at peace in my life!
As a man, considering holistic therapy was a bit challenging at first but on contacting Andrea I realised that her approach was very different and she helped me realise that the symptoms of my rheumatic condition might actually be managed successfully if I approached them in a different way.
It took me a little while to accept that I had to start looking at committing to taking care of myself, no more manning-up or thinking I could manage if I pretended it wasn't a problem.
After a couple of years of intermittently toying with the idea, I eventually managed to sign myself up for a Reiki Level 1 course. In the past, something has always got in the way whether that be my own personal circumstances or that of the teacher. However, things happen for a reason and that is when Flourish popped in to my life.
For myself, the biggest seizure triggers are tiredness and stress.Â
Although my medication works in controlling my seizures, I liked the idea of using complementary therapy that could help my stress and anxiety.
I feel the therapies I’ve had have been extremely helpful for both my mental well being and helping to control my epilepsy.  They give me back a sense of control that you seem to lose with having the condition.
I was encountering stress and could not find ways to alleviate it so I considered trying a more holistic approach.Â
I have discovered many new things about myself at my sessions each week.
The sessions are giving me space to grow and learn things about myself I didn’t know.Â
I had started an IVF journey, the first round of which had been unsuccessful. At that point I had already explored Acupuncture, having 3 sessions, but decided it wasn’t for me so I was open to trying Reflexology and also interested in Reiki. I had not experienced either before so it was brand new therapies I was trying.
I believe the range of sessions have helped me immensely, predominantly in remaining relaxed and simply helping me deal with and navigate what has become a really challenging IVF journey for a whole host of reasons.
I recently endured a series of traumatic experiences that overwhelmed my ability to cope. Care practitioners and authority figures whom I approached for help dismissed it. For several years, I felt silenced and suffered a deep emotional wound, what I can only describe as an injury to my soul.
My sessions were profound and deeply spiritual - words are too small to describe the shift I have felt in myself as a result.
I was able to untangle these burdens and to understand myself more deeply than before, both in relation to the trauma and in my life as a whole!
My husband and I had been trying for a baby for over a year and I was feeling really down about it. I was really struggling with the fact that it wasn’t happening for us when it seemed to happen easily for other friends and family and I was deeply worried it would never happen.
My sessions with Andrea were a complete game changer for my state of mind. Andrea gave me a nurturing space where I could connect with how I was feeling and not have to put on a brave face. I’m now 34 weeks pregnant and am going on maternity leave in 2 weeks!