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As anyone with a love and affinity for animals knows, they are deeply soulful creatures. Trauma, stress, difficult early life experiences, abuse, neglect, surgery and medical procedures have an impact on the soul of the animal, just as it does for us. In my spiritual work with animals over the years, I have found them to be incredibly communicative and intuitive. They are very much the leaders in their own healing.
Spiritual healing and Shamanic approaches look at dis-ease and ill health as a result of either, or sometimes both, power and soul loss (please visit What is Shamanic Healing? for more information.) Many animals who have experienced deep trauma require the retrieval of their soul essence.
~Mewa's Healing~
Mewa is a gorgeous Siamese cat I support through remote sessions as she lives many miles away from my practice. I have never met her in person, but we have met each other in different worlds.
Maya lives with epilepsy and her caregiver initially contacted me with concerns about a recent increase in her seizures. After the initial consultation, we got to work.
On psychically connecting with Mewa, she showed me a time when she had surgery. It appeared to be a wound she had sustained to her head. She was very clear that this was not what had caused her seizures, it was actually what followed. While Mewa was on the operating table, she had not been full anaesthatised. Mewa was awake during the procedure to stitch her head injury but she was paralysed due to the anaesthetic and could not make a sound nor move. This caused what I can only describe as a 'freezing' of her energy, a suspended animation that affected her in the form of seizures - their own kind of suspended animation where animals and people often 'lose' those minutes during seizures where they cannot remember anything about it and often awaken exhausted and with physical injuries. (one of my human clients living with epilepsy, Amber, shares her own experiences here)
Over the course of Mewa's sessions, we did some spiritual healing, retrieval work and auric healing. together with ongoing energetic psychic assessments to review how she was responding,
Mewa's positive responses began to include communications about her food, offering messages to pass to her caregiver; she was very tired with kibble and this was a reason why she had less appetite, nothing to do with her health, she just no longer found the same food appealing!
~Soul Retrieval~
In both my personal and professional experience, animals also experience soul loss, just as we do. My own companion animals have all been from rescue centres and fosterers who support these, and many were adults from stray backgrounds. The pain these souls have suffered is heartbreaking. I have conducted shamanic soul retrievals for my own animals, both when they were living in this world and after their death, residing in the next world. Soul retrieval is a loving act for our animals, and one which we are deeply fortunate to be able to conduct or arrange for them.
Home Visits: Initial Consultation and Assessment 1hr | £75 | Distance Healing: 1hr £60
Shamanic Soul Retrieval | Distance: £105 (1.5hr appointment)
Please see Fees for full pricing.
I request that all new enquiries book a phone consultation to discuss as I am unable to go into detail by email. These pre-appointment consultations provide a private and confidential time and space to discuss, help guide you to the best approach for you and your animal and offer the opportunity to explore a connection with myself as the best practitioner for you and your companion. Phone consultations can be booked online below.
~The Next Step~
If we feel suited to work together and this is the right approach to support your companion animal, prior to the first session - and as an initial assessment for both in attendance and remote sessions - there is a Consultation Form to complete, outlining details of the animal including daily habits, age, temperament and any other animals within the living quarters.
Please note that home visits are available only within certain are in Glasgow and South Lanarkshire and subject to the animal's own individual situation. Remote healing is suitable for animals who live outwith these areas.
Note: Spiritual, shamanic and energetic healing are not diagnostic therapy, cannot claim to treat any condition and is no replacement for veterinary care. If your animal is ill or in pain, please consult a Veterinary Surgeon in the first instance. Please do not disregard any veterinary medical advice.
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