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Medicine Garden

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WytchWood is an organic medicine garden and healing space based at my home practice in South Lanarkshire on the West Coast of Scotland. It has been specifically designed, built and created by myself using the symbolism of the Medicine Wheel, found in Celtic Ogham, Native American medicine and in the principles of the Dharmachakra and the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism. The garden honours the solar energy that is so vital to the health and wellbeing of both us and the green world. The design of the medicine wheel is also reflected in the Flourish logo, based on the garden.
WytchWood Medicine Garden is filled with over 50 types of medicinal herbs, and it is an organic garden that welcomes and embraces wildlife. It is also a sensory garden as well as a meditative space.
Organic Apothecary and Dispensary
WytchWood is my main horticultural focus and the source of the organic botanics in creating decoctions, elixirs, essences, tinctures and remedies from the harvest of the garden to use in my practice, in the products I create for clients and for WytchWood Apothecary. My respect for both the medicinal properties and spiritual teachings of plants allows me to work deeper with them - in harmony with them - and this is also integral to my work as a Shamanka and spiritual mediator.

Garden Of The Goddess

Garden Of The Goddess is the garden at WytchWood dedicated to the spirits of Nature, gods and goddesses - the Sidhe, the Fae - and is a woodland themed space in the middle of suburbia. Visit the Garden Of The Goddess for more information.


Sessions at WytchWood

I receive requests as to whether one to one sessions are possible in the Medicine Garden, especially during testing times. It is a lovely space to share but as it stands, it is a private space dedicated to growing medicine and my own personal ceremonial spiritual works. In future there may be the possibility of introducing very limited access to include aspects of holistic counsel, therapy, meditative practice and gardening with the intention of encouraging re-connection with the self through the therapeutic medicine of the plant world, and the energy of the dedicated meditative space. This may include practical gardening aspects of seed sowing, watering, feeding and harvesting, dependent on the season and weather. However, currently the WytchWood Medicine Garden is not open to the public and is unsuitable for private and confidential session with clients.


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